Tuesday 7 February 2017

How to save money Buying Shopping for a single person | DanielMarshallAdventures

In this blog post i will teach you how to save money buy looking for bargains and cutting the food to be used in different meals.

After wasting so much money on buying snacks, drinks and takeouts  i do not need but want, it was time to say enough is enough and to save money on things that really mattered to me.

Now we all love bargains but sometimes we let them rule our live by saying oh its only 30 p for example.
But did you stop and think if it was something you needed or just really really wanted ?

This post connects from the other one i did which you can read about it here

I am going to share with you my shopping experience, you will be able to see why i brought them and how much money i saved.

Most of us like making a roast, you can make a roast out of most things, but normally we by pork joint, chicken and beef.
we over look the meats like this which can taste amazing and can be very cheap in terms of making several meals out of it.
I always look in Morrisons at the fresh counter for deals !!!!
also 90 percent of the time on a Sunday you can pick up very cheap meats.

So from the picture you can see it is a Lincolnshire boneless Shoulder of Pork, 1.5kg valved at £3.50 just to round it up.
What this means is i can get 3 portions at  0.5 Kilograms which makes the value of the pork, just over 1 pound 15p which is a massive bargain !!!!! (:
Instead of paying 3 pound more for supermarket meals that might be a lot less in food but may not be as nice.

You can do the same with Vegetables.

I know this pack of Carrots will last me 3-4 portions which makes them around 10-15p per meal, you can do with Other Veg it may seem a lot to start with even things like Potatoes.
Once you got into the habbit of cutting down your meal sizes and learning to cut them into days worth of meals, your saving so much money.

Be warned though as i mentioned at the start about wasting money on things that you see a offer on, for example, a pack of cookies, from £1.50 to 30p yes its a bargain but do you need them.
The answer should not even come across your mind.
No !!! you dont learn to cut junk food out of your brain and you will save so much money.

Instead if you really like food that much like i do hehe put the savings towards trying different meals, or even buying something that is knocked down and looks yummy.

For me this was my treat, a filled Yorkshire Pudding with clumberland sausages & Onion Gravy.
it was only 400 Grams for £2.25  so yes its already, a smaller amount of food for more money but it was so tasty and i would have it again if i saw it reduced hehe.

Multi Buying can be great as well for Freezing meals, instead of paying nearly 3 pounds for some sausages for a single pack as you can see above, i brought 2 packs 2 for £4 saving me money already.
Hold on though i am not going to eat all 12 in one meal, so instead i decide i will have around 3-4 meals out of them which again is all reducing the costs of my meals.

My last treat was Yorkshires, yes you read that right, the reason is simple, they taste so much better then aunt bessies and other brands.
Ok so they are more expensive for the 4 you get but they are like having 2 small ones per one, so in a way you are still saving and having much better quality food.

The point in all this is you have to train your brain, to eat less instead of buying bigger meals and thinking you have to eat it all and then make yourself feel you ate to much.

Another warning is and i see it so much which does frustrate me, when people do so much shopping in one week, put things in the freezer for months and then go through what they had brought ages a go and have to bin in because its gone off.

There is a thing called self control, do not get so caught up in Multi Buys, discounts etc that you go crazy.

If anyone tells me they have not got the time to go shopping well i will say your wrong, you have to make time if you want to save money.
if you work 8-9 hours a day work out what time you can go to the shops. Buying a weeks worth a shopping at a time, if you can not going shopping on a regular basis but again do not get caught up buying more then you need.

For me I went to the shops again after buying The cheap meat and brought another one, which is now in freezer bags in the freezer for 3 more meals (:

I hope you Enjoyed this and have helped in any way, you can eat more expensive meals, if you cut out the junk you have Remember that !!!

As always if you want to find out more of what i get up to then follow me on social media (:


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