Sunday 21 May 2017

Making Leaps & Bounds, My Second Park run Experience at Grantham | DanielMarshallAdventures

So only the other day i wrote about The Grantham Running club and how i managed not once but twice reaching 5k in one week.

Well it has not even been a full week and i have now completed 5k 3 times with my second park run experience yesterday which was the 20-05-17

On Thursday i went from feeling super happy, to miserable, not being able to enjoy playing tennis, or keeping my mind off bad thoughts.
Friday was just as bad as not only did the weather decide it was going to rain heavy but i picked up a nasty cold.

I let the people who was also going to the park run that i will let them know if i was going.
around 8pm i was not feeling any better but i thought if i dont go all i will do is sit in bed all day, feel more miserable and depressed.

I got to the park run in the morning, not setting myself any high goals due to not feeling great, as long as i got around my time of just under 37mins, from my first ever park run i would be happy.

One of the leaders penny, who has been a amazing run leader had been telling me weeks a go in the sessions to learn to pace myself.

She was also doing the park run today, and i have to say i now am aiming for her time and she is so quick.

Recently i made friends with someone, who understands about mental health, and have been getting along great with, so we set off, at the same pace, so i could control my pace and also have someone to talk to (:

Halfway around the first lap i started to slightly increase my speed nothing stupid like i did the first time were i nearly collapsed starting the second lap.
this time even though it was hard because of my chest and cold, i tried to focus on my breathing, taking note of my pace.

On the running sessions of this week and in the park run i noticed that the talks of pacing finally kicked in when i notice how fast my legs are going and know when to go much slower.

I kept looking back on the first lap of the park run, to make sure my friend was ok, and i was not going to fast.

on the straight to start the second lap, i got in the zone and more and more increased my pace.
I did however have to stop for multiple times as i could hardly breath but this was only for a few seconds rather then nearly a minute from the first park run.
I was also not in as much pain as i was the first time.

Just ahead of me i saw another friend, who i knew matched my pace, so i cranked it up and ran towards him.

He told me he went off to fast at the start and was struggling so i tried the best i could to keep motivating him and running with him so we could finish the run Together.
there were times in the second lap we were both struggling, but without helping each other, it would have been so much harder, and i knew myself i would of gave in the towel.

Only a few turns were left, i was saying to him come on we can do this think about the cake you can enjoy hehe.

Another chap who i didnt know was alongside us also giving us the drive to keep going.
its amazing, that its all in your brain, that your body can take so much more.
That having the people cheer you on and push you suddenly gives you extra tank of speed.

the first time i did the park run when i saw the loop to the finish i thought i could run the whole thing, but you dont realize the loop is much bigger then you think.

So this time i waited till i was level with belton house which is half way and gave it everything.
i even managed to come across the line running, before sinking into the grass completely wiped out.

I was so happy as not only did i know i did so much better then last time but i managed to complete the course, running at the end instead of walking.

The last time i did the course i must have lost about 3 minutes just walking to the finish line.

after resting for 10mins, i felt great, happy, not even tired, not feeling upset, the only thing i felt was my cold getting worse... whoops (:

Me and a few runners went to get some breakfast, talking about the run, the running course as much more.
I went to order some chips but sadly had to get a chocolate cake instead, which turned out a good thing lol, because it was to soon to get chips.

I kept looking at my phone waiting for a text to come through so i could see my results.
so instead i waited till i got signal, signed into park run, and my face just lit up and i was over the moon.
to say it was only my second park run, to say i was battling with a cold, and to say that i left last time, so upset because i struggled so much, what a difference this time was, proving that i do not just improve but make leaps and bounds
Belton House parkrun results for event #70.
Your time was 00:29:59.
Congratulations on completing your 2nd parkrun
and your 2nd at Belton House parkrun today.
You finished in 152nd place and were the 115th male
out of a field of 361 parkrunners and you came
6th in your age category SM25-29
even my friend who i was running with towards the end, got his Personal best, 
and was only just behind me.It was so hot as well, but  at least it did not rain, 
Even Suzie Sparkles From Gravity Fm, did her second park run.
Park run is a amazing free event, that its great to see so many runners,enter and enjoy
themselves, its hard but its a good challenge.
I have to admit from going off road with the running club the past 2 sessions that i enjoy
the challenge of the bumps, the terrain, getting the strength to run uphill.
For some reason even though it hurts to start with i am better with the off road running,
then on flat ground.
The park run at belton is tricky for me because its mostly flat, with the odd little bump.
The most hard part is seeing the course, as you enter a turn, a straight and think i can do this.
a few minutes later it feels like a mirage, what seemed like a small straight feels much longer.
That for me throws me off big time, when i am with the running club its different.
Although your told where abouts your running and for how long, there is no visable course.
your also in a much smaller group, and get to talk more with each other.

Park run is a global thing that is free, and just shows how keen people are to get out there.
Enjoy themselfs and take park in something that can really help with your mental health.

Penny who is the run leader in the coach to 5k group, gets around 20mins in the park run.
which is just so so fast, and i have now said to her watch out as i aim to beat that.
I aim by my 10th park run, to be getting 24 mins, and by the end of 2017 to be near
penny,s time. which will be hard as i know she will keep getting faster as well (:

I want to thank the people of the park run who take their time out to set this up.
i also want to say a big thank you to the amazing photographers who capture such
High quality images, and manage to capture so much as well.

As you have been seeing in this blog the images are from the park run, which i will leave
the links at the end of the post.
Another of my running friends took some pictures, and then put this on my photo lol

To think where i was in fitness last year to where i am now, i just keep getting stronger.
I will be looking forward to the last few weeks of the coach to 5k with the running club.
and then carrying on with the club after.
i thought i would have to be miss a session on Monday due to having my first tennis match.
At Grantham tennis club, but its had to be cancelled and now the next match will be played,
at the club on the 8th June, so i have to get a lot of practice in for that (:

Thank you for reading

Photography of the event

My social links



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