Tuesday 16 May 2017

How Helping Lincolnshire Started and where i want it to go !!! | DanielMarshallAdventures

In this Blog post i am going to be talking about where my journey started on helping the local community.

I wanted to start my own business creating video content for businesses, from showcasing products, to interviews and much more.

Sadly my depression got in the way a lot, and the more i focused on the business element the more i lost interest in the love of making the videos.

So Instead i still wanted to help my local community, bit by bit and instead of worrying about getting x amount of clients a week or i wont get paid.
I just started seeing what events were going off and capturing the moments.

as i was learning to make videos, i got in touch with the local food bank to create some videos
one of which was a tour around the food bank which you can see here

i was learning how to direct where people needed to be, how loud they needed to talk and then of course it the editing process.
I love editing but sometimes it can cause my depression to be worse due to the fact i want the video to turn out how i have it in my mind and sometimes spending hours learning about different techniques and them not working just makes you loose the love of what you do.
It was a experience, and my video quality was not amazing back then either but it was a learning curve a chance to help the community and network with people.

In September, I noticed, news about The Closure of Grantham A&E, I wanted to help out but was not sure how.
I decided i was going to March with everyone but at the same time capture it with photos and videos.
so that i could help spread the word more.
which you can see the video above

Around this time i was still learning photography, and as i helped out more with the Marches around Grantham, people really liked the photos i took.
I started connecting with the local campaigners and even had the chance to Film a election.

The most important part of what i do is not the photography or videos but the social media marketing.
Getting the content out there, in the right places, so that more people can be a part of helping out.

Its also about getting the message out there on what is happening to the local hospital but also what is happening to our NHS.

I went into 2017 feeling like a new person, wanting to help out even more, it was also learning more of whats going off in the world, and in a way growing up and becoming a adult.
I never took life serious, and although in some ways i am still the same person in others i am not.
I have more awareness, i have more self control, and i am learning to come out of my shell and connect with people.

Even though i am not running my business, i find it so much easier and better to do the videos and photography.
sometimes it can be stressful, to pump out the stuff i have been working on, quickly but just seeing everyone like and share my stuff is a awesome feeling.
Knowing that i am helping out as well, is its own reward i dont get paid to do what i do.
I love being able to capture everything, i dont do it for praise for money, i do it because i want to, i do it because i want to help lincolnshire grow.

Around this time, the tennis i was doing at Grantham Tennis Club was helping me so much that i wanted to help back, did a small bit of photography, and made some videos to help promote the feeling good project.
Then one day i had a idea that if i am starting to help businesses bit by bit that i need a platform to spread the word of any local business, any events, offers etc.
So Helping Lincolnshire Twitter was born.
Some people may think that using social media just to retweet stuff is boring and will not help.
In my eyes, if you get a good following going, and retweet events and things that business are posting, then the more times it gets out there the more people will know whats going off.

Social media is such a powerful tool that a lot of people dismiss or hate using.
For businesses its key and every business needs to not only use social media but on a frequent basis.

I do the same for my facebook page Dan Media Productions, i turned it from just my stuff to a mixture of advertising businesses and my own posts.
I could often post a lot of personal stuff on there like my blog posts.
Now a few people may say whats the point having everything on one page, it looks messy its unprofessional, you need to keep your private life and business life separate.
To some they may want that but for me its just not me, i tried to be 2 different people and have 2 different outlooks in life.
To be honest i am me, and i have only got this far in life but being open, and letting people know who i am business me and normal me.
People can know the bad side of me and the good side i am not bothered because i would rather be open and show that i care and want to help then be someone i am not !!! (:

I started to also branch out in my work to cover live events such as gigs.
In fact in my business plan was a goal to expand from just business videos to live events.
I know i dont have the best camera in the world for events.
That is why with everything else in my life i choose to do it as a hobby.
It makes me happy, its brought me more out of my shell then ever, and i have built a wonderful community around me.

So the next steps for helping Lincolnshire would be to cover some events in villages, places that dont get much attention.
keep improving my networking skills so once i have covered a event someone might approach me and say do you want to help out with this event.

I may not be smart, i may not know history, and sometimes not all together there but i accept who i am i accept that i love my computer to much, because without it i would not be able to help the way i do.

I may not be a social media marketing expert but i do know enough and have the time where businesses do not to help them grow.

My business did not start because i dont know a single thing how to run one its because of my mental health.
everything happends for a reason and without stepping down the idea of running my business i would not have had the amazing journey ive had and is still growing.

in just under a year i went from not knowing what i wanted to do in life and feeling whats the point in life, to being a new and open person full of life, happiness, caring and just wanting to be a part of something (:

So i wanted to say a big thank you to my local town of Grantham for helping me on this journey, and that i hope in time Lincolnshire can keep growing !!!

Thank you for reading
here are my social links (:

my social links


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