I was planning on right a big blog post in a few weeks to describe The Journey with Grantham Running club.
It all started last week really, I had been Training at the gym with my friends for about 6 months now, every month a new training scheme would be in place and our goals would get higher.
Before i started doing a lot of running, my goal was to increase my strength, which was working, but because i was putting my body under so much stress, having tennis and running often the next day, i found myself not having the drive or even the strength to lift what i could.
About 3 weeks a go my friend said he was trying this challenge, which meant using a few different equipment and also pushing everything up, I decided to go along with the challenge and that is when i Decided the workout load was to much and something needed to change.
I sat and worked out the best days i could go, and what equipment i liked using but also how it was going to benefit me.
The one thing i am still rubbish at is names of the gym stuff, so i think not 100 percent sure but the machine i love using is called the dip assist.
I think its the one i love the most out of everything i can use at the gym, and because my grip on things still is not there, like pulling yourself up or hanging onto something for a while, its like a middle ground for me.
What it does is you have a seat sort of thing you kneel on, which is set not to move until you use your body strength to move down.
you grip 2 handle bars and the main focus is on your upper arms using them to bring yourself to the top and back down again.
I normally set out to do 10 lifts, 4 times, and after i have used to my hands do go numb for about a minute but you can certainly feel the difference in your arms.
So the routine i set myself is 3-4 sessions a week, at half a hour, and sometimes 2 sessions a day, but only once or twice a week.
Doing a small bit of cardio, and leg strength just to keep on top of them, as they are used for running.
Rowing, for 5 mins, and then different weight equipment for arms etc.
I do give it my all in that time, and do challenge myself to push the weight up every week.
Rome was not built in a day and sometimes people said oh look already how much muscle i have gained.
Then for it to go a week later, at the moment My muscles have become bigger then in the last 6 months of training and hope to keep on top of it.

The true fact is, i only now have the drive, and knowledge on what i must achieve, thanks to my friends, When i Joined i had not much clue how to use anything yet alone push myself to improve,
i do miss hanging out with them but we all create our own paths and sometimes, what method of improving one self may not work for another you have to create your on path.
Every time i go now i seem very happy, even having a laugh with the awesome team at Feel Good Fitness, and again that is one part that makes me keep going is the hard work the staff put into the place, the challenges, and getting new protein shakes in hehe (:
Phew!! i feel like that was a blog post on its on lol.
Moving on, I am missing some bits out because i want to put them in on the progress post about GRC
Tennis is next on the list, Twice i was looking forward to my first team match at Grantham Tennis Club and both times i have had a call saying its cancelled, so now hopefully this Thursday coming i can play the match.
So I decided to head down the next day and play the social matches they have on at the club.
4 matches i had and in one of them, were 2 amazing top class players, with the fastest serve i have ever seen, and just amazing team work,
I drive myself to get better and better with playing people who are better then me, some people it makes them feel worse about their game but me, i am like if they can do it so can i.
which in another game i had, a chap did a amazing low cross court shot, which i really ran for and was like here have the same shot back !!! hehe.
The last game i took easy, and I had myself another Park Run the next day.
So its still the same day as the park run i am writing this (:
This one i made sure, i got plenty of sleep the night before, made sure to do lots of stretches before the run started, and i honestly felt like this was the one that i would do great as i felt my physical best.
Now for people who have never ran a timed event before with at least 300 people will say its no different to running the same distance with a small group of people just having a jog around the countryside.
You would be so, so wrong, The brain is the most Frustrating part of it all.
Put me on the countryside run doing 5k, without seeing the course set out in front of you, and talking with people, i do awesome at, put at a place where is a lap event and you can see the course in front of you, wooo, does it mess with you.
The course at belton house, is a 5k run which is 2 laps, it has 4 long straights, 3-4 smaller sections, with is very uneven, and much narrow so fighting for space with the other runners, and then a loop section which is like the final part of the lap, which you think is small, and then suddenly you get half way round and start to struggle.
I Hated the run the first time i ever did it, and swore i would never do it again, 3 runs later and here i am.
So i set off, trying to pace myself, which is very hard, when you a selection of extremely good runners going miles ahead of you, your first instance is to match their pace but telling your brain, no is a battle.
I got half way around the first lap, and noticed a fellow member of the tennis club ahead, and stupidly decided to try and match their pace, worked well up, even slighting passing by, until i started the second lap and hitting massive pain barriers.
I stopped about 5 times, for at least what felt like over a minute each time.
The first turn really caught me as the grass was really thick, my feet felt heavy like i had weights on them, and the more i tried to run through it, the heavier it felt.
After stopping at that section, for a rest, i struggled to keep going, but did as i wanted to finish the park run.
I had in the back of my mind that it felt i was in more pain and doing much worse then my first ever park run.
The last turn was coming up and i gave it everything.
I was shocked when i got home to only be 27 seconds behind my PB of the second time i did the run,
and i clocked in at 30.27.
It made me think, i must have been going at some pace to allow for all the stops i took, and if i did not stop, i know that time would of been around 27.
which just shows, when your in pain, seconds, feel like minutes.

Feeling Drained and my feet hurting, i got a bite to eat and soaked my feet.
after about a hour oddly i felt great again, so i went out for another social at the tennis club, a few hours later, and had some more great games (:
So now the rest of the week incs, the final 2 sessions of the coach to 5k with the running club, going to gym i think twice this week, maybe 3, doing some more tennis, ready for the match on Thursday, and then on Saturday is our kind of Graduation of the running course.
The final like get together sort of thing was meant to be the 24th but turns out there was no parkrun on that day, as it was going to be park run then BBQ in the evening.
Now its like a park run to end the running course on a high sort of thing, with the BBQ being the weekened after.
So to me this week is a very demanding week, some of the previous run sessions i have struggled with because both of the shoulders were hurting due to playing tennis either the day before or the same day, and when your serving you can pull those muscles when running.
so me being me i like to give the tennis and running my all, even more so with completing the course, so i hope my body pushes through it and i end up enjoying the week.
Being active has certainly made me feel better mentally and physically, i could never expect to be able to keep up with the running, as normally i am a quick runner, but after about 2 mins, that is it, i cant run anymore, so its been great to get over the fear of that and to be as active as i am.
Although i love what i do when i am on the computer, like editing photos, writing these blog posts etc, i still find the place that makes me feel like i am going to be low, cry and not want to do anything is home.
I could not be where i am today without my friends, They give me drive to do well, being a part of these events and meeting amazing people gives me the drive, seeing people do well also has the same impact but its also nice to help back (:
At some point i really want to ask someone in the gym, if they can film me working out so i can show you lot, what its like.
This year so far has gone way past what i wanted and so much more and i hope it can carry on and i can keep making friends.

I hope you enjoyed this post, as much as i did writing it (:
if you are a part of a club, let me know, if you do running and have entered bigger events like 10k + whats its like, is it much harder etc.
Any questions please contact me on social media, as i mentioned in my last post i am getting a lot of spam, i am also getting a lot of people, commenting 10 times over inc nasty comments, which are being monitored so please the best form of communication between you lot commenting and me replying is either Facebook or twitter links below (:
My social Links
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