As you can tell from now over 50 blogs i have written i love writing and getting my thoughts out.
Although i am not great at spelling or, grammer, there is nothing better then just letting your brain go wild to create your inner thoughts into stories.
When i was around 18 and studying music, i would often in my break just write little short stories of many different things, sadly i scrapped them, when i Moved to Grantham and which i had them to remind me of what went through my mind when writing it.
Writing in overall terms can be very difficult as often when we go to sleep and wake up the next day, we tweak, and even start over what we had already noted down.
For me i could blog all day, everyday about life, but when it comes to writing a story, i get a writers block, and with a lot of writers comes that most used saying off, this time i will get my head and write, when in reality in hardly ever happends.
Its been a whole year since i ever touched my last writing project i was working on.
so i wanted to share with you some of what i had came up with,
Please note that again my grammer is not great, a story can be changed so often that i may even change bits if i ever decided to try my hand at it again.
Also please note that this is my wrote i hold all the originals and if i find someone has used it as there own etc, well you will see is all i am saying (:
The concept of this was to create people who had super powers and people who were supernatural but had some kind of superpower as well, so a vampire who could see the past and the future etc, this was a story i was so over the moon to write, and the more i did the more i enjoyed it.
Every chapter was going to switch in characters until certain parts came together, so you got a sense of the roles of the characters, but also how they found each other !!!!
Read The book that breaks boundaries between the underworld and supernatural
as this book tells a story where people have powers and are unusually different .
we call them the divine.
These unique individuals bring good but also many dark times, chaotic events have happened for centuries , unknown to the norm people , the people who can’t see the truth in this world,
the world the humans live in is always a lie. Those weak minded humans sit and pray and cause there own chaos when the world is changing, but only if they knew what truly was causing the destruction and unhappiness.
this story will chill you to the bone, and you wont want to take your eyes of the page
so sit back and prepare to have nightmares , as we are taking over tonight , this planet is ours and we do not share.
Chapter 1 It begins
I’m flying seeking out my prey who’s below on the mud, I can hear every foot print and he thinks I can’t see where hes going, I laugh to myself because I am so much superior , I am a divine creature and human , I am one of my kind , its about 9pm the moon is full and bright and I have been toying around for to long now , I admit I love the fun the chase , it makes my skin boil , I have always been like that, I don’t go for the kill straight away I like to make my enemy think he has the better hand before delivering the fatal blow.
where are my manners , my name is Samantha green but you can call me sam .
I am 500 years old but I look like im 20 , I am cute, well that’s what many guys have told me at least.
I am different to everyone because I am a vampire with a twist, you see not only am I a supernatural being but I also have powers that’s right , 2 powers in fact , I can see events , the past and the future now before you think that’s awesome, when I have these visions as such , i can never tell if they will come true because the past can come back to haunt you and the future well its never set in stone.
my other power is i can drink without getting drunk lol , yet again it can be good but also annoying because there are times where I wish I could get wasted , but oh well that’s what being a unquie person as myself is all about.
Now were was we oh yes my prey , his body pouring with sweat as he trys to out run me,
There is road ahead in about a mile , I must take my chance before he reaches out to other people,
I have never once let any human know about me and im not letting that happened today.
I count to 5 then I close my wings and spiral down to him, with every second that passes to his demise , my body shrecks with enjoyment, I know what I want and I know im about to get it.
I slam down infront of him as he halts to a stop and looks straight at me, his hands and legs shaking, his mouth wide open and I can see he knows his life is about to come to an end.
He Speaks to me Almost crying but even in the face of danger, he holds it back
What !! are you , Who are you !! What do you want from me .
I wait about 10 seconds before replying just to keep him more on edge , When im about to kill someone I like the intensity of the conversation because it makes the victims’ blood taste so much better .
You don’t need to know who I am I say to him in a wickely sounding voice, all you need to know is your about to die, I promise you sounding sincere but also with a grin, it will be quick however I cant promise you it wont hurt, I like pain I like my victim to feel every bit, the blood gushing out and the feeling that their hearts are about to stop.
I take a bolt of a step but before I could reach the lad , My body made me stop, I Froze in fact, My Head pounding , I could feel like I was coming in and out of reality, My vision was impaired , I felt dizzy and then just like that I collapsed .
It felt like hours had past when I finally woke up, But something didn’t feel right , I was no longer in the forest , I was no longer on my feet and the lad well he wasn’t there either,
I was sitting in a old leather sofa , that clearly had seen better days . My eyes scanned the room , noting down in my head every detail that my eyes could see, My skin ,also sensing if there was any danger around outside of the place but there was none.
In the room There was a clock that I believe hadn’t worked in months, Old tv , Old ornament’s , everything was really old as if no one had been in the property for years
The most creepy thing my eyes saw was about 15 photographs on walls, and in picture frames of a young girl, about my age. My eyes sparked wide open as I Realised all the pictures were of me, I never fell Truly in love with anyone so who has Pics of me , at this point for the first time in my life I was really scared, I’ve always done the hunting and yet my instintics felt like I was being the hunted, im in this strange place instead of the woods and someone knows about me, weather they know who I truly am that is a mystery I hope no one solves but still its concerning Me because who ever has taken these clearly doesn’t live here anymore, I feel so confused .
And in that instance I was back In the forest still running to the human as if time it self hadn’t passed , my thirst and hunger was at the most intense level and all I could think about was feeding,
I opened his artery on his neck and started biting so hard, blood filling my mouth and covering teeth , I kept biting more and more harder and harder until the lad flawed into my arms he was no more.
as I sat there with the lad in my arms , my thrist and hunger now gone, all I could think about was that event. Was it the past or future , why did it happen and what did It mean , I shook my head , cleared my mind , picked myself up and buried the body in the ground so no one knew what happened. It only takes me a matter of mins to burry a body due to my claws and my strength as a divine Creature I can do things much easier then a normal human being.
2 Abilities
In sunny side Virginia We follow a young boy who discovers something about himself,
It is 8am and Michael aged 11 is getting ready for school , he packs his bag full of homework, and other quirky things he likes to have when he is bored in lessons, like his Gameboy and music player.
he has spiky brown hair , Blue eyes and a caring personality. He has blue sports sneakers on which he adores because his father brought him them about a year ago for his birthday , he uses them to walk, run and even play sports with, he often shows them off to his friends , who get jealous because their parents can’t afford nice things for them.
The school Bus arrives and His mum Shouts him down, gives him his lunch and kisses him on the cheek goodbye , as he opens the door His mum shouts you behave today young man, and don’t get into any fights,
Michael replies with a smile and shuts the door.
The bus is full of Noisy kids who have just had sugary sweets and breakfast that gives them the energy needed to get through the school day. Michael was sat with Sophie, and Lawrence his 2 friends who he knew since being about 6 years old. They all lived In the same neighbourhood , They had many adventures together , Ranging from going on long walks to abandon sites, To playing video games and role playing , They pretend to be in this fantasy world , where there are supernatural beings, and people with powers.
The place would always change but there identity’s would always remain the same
Sophie Being a supernatural vampire, The good kind not the bad who helps defeat other supernaturals , then there’s Lawrence who liked being a werewolf, he liked chasing Sophie down ,
but the 2 were always matched with the same skill and speed so neither of them ever won, which Lawrence always hated because he wanted change he wanted to win and have power.
Last but least was Michael aka mike he was a unusual being he was just him but he did have a power that matched the rest of them . He could change the course of history By freezing time , moving people around, moving them away from danger or putting objects in place of them.
they all wished many times that their role playing would become reality , Sophie would only change one thing and that’s her and Lawrence were best friends instead of chasing each other in a never ending loop in reality.
as the bus was only a few mins approaching the school , Michael remembered seeing a poster for a new board game that was coming out a role playing game, which would go so well with there adventures
He bounced up and down with exciment and telled both of them about it and that they should go to the mystical realm shop after school which was the best shop in town.
If you were into role playing, supernatural , or fairy tales that was the place to shop,
it sells shelves of artifacts, Books, comics , Gadgets you name it , Michael was thinking if I had a ton of money , my house would be so full of cool unique things.
The day was passing by it was now 1.30 in the afternoon and the 3 of them were all studying history
Mr Reynolds was the Teacher and had taught history for 2 years now , it was his passion , On many occasions Instead of following the curriculum he would tell the class to put their books away and simply listen to his many tales about his explorations and stories of his granddad who fought in the war.
Mr Reynolds was only 30 years old , he has part of a beard growing , long side burns and Long Blue wavy hair . He was quite tall 6 ft to be precise , His fashion sense though could do with a tweak,
He wore mostly the same jeans everyday and they were falling to pieces because of how much he travels and digs, most weekends he would find himself at a construction site looking for any rare and unusual artefacts , hence why he should really buy new clothes.
He loved his job and his hobbies and after he told his adventures and stories He announced to the class that they could get the change to go on a felid trip for some extra credit.
Mr Reynolds handed out letters to give to their parents, Lawrence, Sophie and Michael were all talking between them saying that it will be a smashing idea , They all loved exploring and have very active imaginations , so this was perfect,
The school bell went and with that it was on to the last lesson of the day, Both Michael and Lawrence enjoyed I.T The lessons covered many things from data input, To Creating Posters and many more technically Work. The Teachers would often walk up and down helping anyone with problems and checking if everyone was doing The right things and not playing games.
For Michael and Lawrence They were wizz kids when it came to hiding websites, such as games,
Adventure Quest also known as Battleon Was the game They had a bond over , Many hours were spent on the game , It started of very basic but over the years it grew so much adding many stories The company Grew that much it managed to create a spin Of Game called dragon fable
Lawrence sent a message Over msn To warn Michael that when you reach the guardians post to battle the stumbling Ox you need a sword that you get when you defeat a different monster called brunt the warrior in the mages outpost.
The 2 of them were always close in level and Objectives, Michael thanked him sending a thumb up emoji . It was about 20 mins before the end of the day , work had to be done so the teacher didn’t suspect anything, So they put their heads down, and produced something that the rest of the class had spent all lesson doing,
The School bell rang again as it was finally the end of the day, but before the class could leave
Miss Jenkins the I.T Teacher spoke Reminding everyone about the homework that they needed to do over the next few days , she was very strict if you missed any homework because of a poor excuse she would death stare you and make you crack until you whimpered sorry .
The homework was to create a questionnaire and knock on peoples doors asking questions
quite simple really the hard part was thinking what kind of questions to ask.
As the class were leaving To go home , Sophie sprinted up to Lawrence and mike and asked if there all were still going to the mystical realm , Mike responded with the biggest smile ever , Of course we are I wouldn’t miss Getting that new board game we best hurry though in case the shop sells out quickly. Anything new in this town people went mad for.
In sunny side Virginia We follow a young boy who discovers something about himself,
It is 8am and Michael aged 11 is getting ready for school , he packs his bag full of homework, and other quirky things he likes to have when he is bored in lessons, like his Gameboy and music player.
he has spiky brown hair , Blue eyes and a caring personality. He has blue sports sneakers on which he adores because his father brought him them about a year ago for his birthday , he uses them to walk, run and even play sports with, he often shows them off to his friends , who get jealous because their parents can’t afford nice things for them.
The school Bus arrives and His mum Shouts him down, gives him his lunch and kisses him on the cheek goodbye , as he opens the door His mum shouts you behave today young man, and don’t get into any fights,
Michael replies with a smile and shuts the door.
The bus is full of Noisy kids who have just had sugary sweets and breakfast that gives them the energy needed to get through the school day. Michael was sat with Sophie, and Lawrence his 2 friends who he knew since being about 6 years old. They all lived In the same neighbourhood , They had many adventures together , Ranging from going on long walks to abandon sites, To playing video games and role playing , They pretend to be in this fantasy world , where there are supernatural beings, and people with powers.
The place would always change but there identity’s would always remain the same
Sophie Being a supernatural vampire, The good kind not the bad who helps defeat other supernaturals , then there’s Lawrence who liked being a werewolf, he liked chasing Sophie down ,
but the 2 were always matched with the same skill and speed so neither of them ever won, which Lawrence always hated because he wanted change he wanted to win and have power.
Last but least was Michael aka mike he was a unusual being he was just him but he did have a power that matched the rest of them . He could change the course of history By freezing time , moving people around, moving them away from danger or putting objects in place of them.
they all wished many times that their role playing would become reality , Sophie would only change one thing and that’s her and Lawrence were best friends instead of chasing each other in a never ending loop in reality.
as the bus was only a few mins approaching the school , Michael remembered seeing a poster for a new board game that was coming out a role playing game, which would go so well with there adventures
He bounced up and down with exciment and telled both of them about it and that they should go to the mystical realm shop after school which was the best shop in town.
If you were into role playing, supernatural , or fairy tales that was the place to shop,
it sells shelves of artifacts, Books, comics , Gadgets you name it , Michael was thinking if I had a ton of money , my house would be so full of cool unique things.
The day was passing by it was now 1.30 in the afternoon and the 3 of them were all studying history
Mr Reynolds was the Teacher and had taught history for 2 years now , it was his passion , On many occasions Instead of following the curriculum he would tell the class to put their books away and simply listen to his many tales about his explorations and stories of his granddad who fought in the war.
Mr Reynolds was only 30 years old , he has part of a beard growing , long side burns and Long Blue wavy hair . He was quite tall 6 ft to be precise , His fashion sense though could do with a tweak,
He wore mostly the same jeans everyday and they were falling to pieces because of how much he travels and digs, most weekends he would find himself at a construction site looking for any rare and unusual artefacts , hence why he should really buy new clothes.
He loved his job and his hobbies and after he told his adventures and stories He announced to the class that they could get the change to go on a felid trip for some extra credit.
Mr Reynolds handed out letters to give to their parents, Lawrence, Sophie and Michael were all talking between them saying that it will be a smashing idea , They all loved exploring and have very active imaginations , so this was perfect,
The school bell went and with that it was on to the last lesson of the day, Both Michael and Lawrence enjoyed I.T The lessons covered many things from data input, To Creating Posters and many more technically Work. The Teachers would often walk up and down helping anyone with problems and checking if everyone was doing The right things and not playing games.
For Michael and Lawrence They were wizz kids when it came to hiding websites, such as games,
Adventure Quest also known as Battleon Was the game They had a bond over , Many hours were spent on the game , It started of very basic but over the years it grew so much adding many stories The company Grew that much it managed to create a spin Of Game called dragon fable
Lawrence sent a message Over msn To warn Michael that when you reach the guardians post to battle the stumbling Ox you need a sword that you get when you defeat a different monster called brunt the warrior in the mages outpost.
The 2 of them were always close in level and Objectives, Michael thanked him sending a thumb up emoji . It was about 20 mins before the end of the day , work had to be done so the teacher didn’t suspect anything, So they put their heads down, and produced something that the rest of the class had spent all lesson doing,
The School bell rang again as it was finally the end of the day, but before the class could leave
Miss Jenkins the I.T Teacher spoke Reminding everyone about the homework that they needed to do over the next few days , she was very strict if you missed any homework because of a poor excuse she would death stare you and make you crack until you whimpered sorry .
The homework was to create a questionnaire and knock on peoples doors asking questions
quite simple really the hard part was thinking what kind of questions to ask.
As the class were leaving To go home , Sophie sprinted up to Lawrence and mike and asked if there all were still going to the mystical realm , Mike responded with the biggest smile ever , Of course we are I wouldn’t miss Getting that new board game we best hurry though in case the shop sells out quickly. Anything new in this town people went mad for.
As they approached the shop, there was so many
people inside, A big poster was outside on the window and it big letters it
said 20 percent off everything not only that but next to it a smaller poster
adverting the new Board Game It was Called Sprit Dice. The Game would normally
be 20 pounds but because the store was having a sale not only was it a new game
but they could get it cheaper at only 16 pounds.
As they battled Through the Crowds To Reach the game, Luck was on their side today as Michael Reached For The Last One left. A strange Feeling went into his fingers, making him shuddered .
Unknown to him, A Bizarre occurrence Had Happened, It was Brief Lasting all but 2 seconds , Everyone in the store had completely froze , but not mike of course he didn’t know what was going on because he had his eyes fixated on the board game.
The 2 Seconds had passed and Mike turned to Sophie and Lawrence , Who looked very confused , Michael looked puzzled and asked both of them if they were ok, Lawrence looked at him and spoke quickly Of course I am. Sophie hesitated For a second and said yep lets pay for the game and go home. Sophie Didn’t want to feel embarrassed or think she would be laughed at but something didn’t feel right. She had a huge stabbing pain in her chest, making her want to be sick , she took a deep breath holded the pain in and went on with the rest of the day.
It was 5pm The nights sky Getting darker as time went by, all through the day it spitted with rain but now it looked like it was going to thunder and bucket it down.
All of them rushed home so they didn’t get caught in a thunderstorm or worse big rocks of hail.
Michael’s parents agreed the night before that sophie and Lawrence could come over to have tea so they all after could crack into the game and have fun.
For Tea was Michaels mums signature Dish Suet Crust Beef Pie she had made it many times, For 2 reasons , she loved making this dish and she was perfecting it to be put forward into a Cooking competition.
Michael’s mum loved cooking , when she wasn’t busy at work, or doing the housework , she
As they battled Through the Crowds To Reach the game, Luck was on their side today as Michael Reached For The Last One left. A strange Feeling went into his fingers, making him shuddered .
Unknown to him, A Bizarre occurrence Had Happened, It was Brief Lasting all but 2 seconds , Everyone in the store had completely froze , but not mike of course he didn’t know what was going on because he had his eyes fixated on the board game.
The 2 Seconds had passed and Mike turned to Sophie and Lawrence , Who looked very confused , Michael looked puzzled and asked both of them if they were ok, Lawrence looked at him and spoke quickly Of course I am. Sophie hesitated For a second and said yep lets pay for the game and go home. Sophie Didn’t want to feel embarrassed or think she would be laughed at but something didn’t feel right. She had a huge stabbing pain in her chest, making her want to be sick , she took a deep breath holded the pain in and went on with the rest of the day.
It was 5pm The nights sky Getting darker as time went by, all through the day it spitted with rain but now it looked like it was going to thunder and bucket it down.
All of them rushed home so they didn’t get caught in a thunderstorm or worse big rocks of hail.
Michael’s parents agreed the night before that sophie and Lawrence could come over to have tea so they all after could crack into the game and have fun.
For Tea was Michaels mums signature Dish Suet Crust Beef Pie she had made it many times, For 2 reasons , she loved making this dish and she was perfecting it to be put forward into a Cooking competition.
Michael’s mum loved cooking , when she wasn’t busy at work, or doing the housework , she
The 3 of them were always saying to her that she would be a world class chef,
piles of people would line up for her food and she would be famous.
But for her being a mom was its own reward she didn’t want fame or money .
No as long as people enjoyed her food then that always put a smile on her face and warmed her heart.
The 3 of them wolfed down the food like there was no tomorrow and couldn’t stop thanking her for the best food in the world.
want even more of this story i had written ??? look out for another post where i will post the rest (:
if you want to follow me on social media please check the links below
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