Over the past Few months I have put up a few posts about Grantham Running club, and i mentioned at the start of the Coach to 5k that i would write about the course as a whole as the finish line, so here we go !!!!
12 weeks a go i started the biggest challenge in my life, 12 weeks a go, I was unfit, and very nervous about the challenge ahead.
I had attempted to Join the running club in 2016, only a few weeks after the coach to 5k has ended and at the time Running was something not on my mind, until I looked on google about things to do In Grantham.
Should i have looked the club up sooner, I can honestly say that everything happens for a reason, and that no i should of not, at the time which I will explain later on.
I had only attended 3 run sessions in 2016 when i decided that i was struggling to much and it was not for me.
As 2017 started it was a year that i needed things to change in my life, diet, fitness, strength and a whole bunch of things.
I noticed the club was putting the course back on, and so i attended my first session,
The idea of it being the group met on a Monday and Wednesday for 12 weeks.
Shock and fear took over my emotions when i arrived at the tennis club as around 80 people turned up. The running sessions was held at the Tennis club, this was great to see 2 businesses networking with each other (:
me being well me, I kept myself to myself as i do not cope well in big groups.
The group got split into people wanting to aim to do 10k and 5k,
The 5k group set out, going through running furrows which is a pubic foot path, on the right a sports field which i think is owned by a school, to the left, a railway bridge, and as you go down the path, you are surrounded by the lovely nature.
This then opens ups to many streets and heading towards manthorpe.
We was told it would be 2 mins of walking and 1 min of running, just to get everyone used to it.
I think we did around 20-25 mins, we make sure before and after every session to always stretch our muscles, as with any form of exercise you do you always need to warm up and cool down.
And as the weeks got going, we extended the time of running, and the 5k group was split into 3 groups, Group A being the group that wanted to do the 5k as a faster pace.
By week 4 we was doing 20mins of running without a break, and i was starting to really struggle with maintaining my pace.
I would have stages of feeling great followed by sharp pains, that for me going at the pace i was i just could not keep it going, it became go full pelt for a minute and cause more pain or just stop.
Stop not being who i am hehe, for the next few weeks as we reached our first 5k distance, the run leaders were helping me by reminding me to slow down and i started to get used to it.
Penny who helped me in 2016 with the running was someone i kept looking up to for inspiration as she was a amazing run leader, pushing us but also having great laughs and helping us reach our goals.
By week 7 we was already going off road, through narrow paths, uphills and seeing the wonderful views of Grantham, as we set off, around Great Gonerby.
I noticed in our Facebook Group that people was talking about going on their first park,run which is global event, helping encouraging people to enjoy running.
In Grantham there is one held at Belton house most weekends.
It is a 2 lap course which is 5k, so i thought with already reaching 5k i would give it a try.
It was not what i expected, with over 300 runners, and you have no idea how to control your pace with so many people around you, you think your going at the right pace until you reach the second lap and then it hits you.

I told myself i never wanted to do a park run again, well i have now done 4 so yeah that happened lol, ill explain more about why i decided to keep going back later on.
I came back after a horrible park run to do the best running since starting at the club, and i was well happy.
Then i suffered my first, minor leg pain, because i do so much physically activities, it took its tole, and only for a week i had to miss running, tennis and gym, to me this felt like longer as i love everything i do, and missing out and being around people just made it worse.
again i came back even stronger as i went on my second park run and managed to get a time of just under 30 minutes.

But that could not of happen if it was not for some of the amazing runners from the group who i got talked to, who kept pushing me, to keep going.
I feel that the i enjoy sport more when i am being competitive i want to always achieving more and more, and although the park run is tough, i still want to keep going to more because i know if i can control my pacing i can do awesome (:
with only 3 weeks left to the end of the course , we all had some surprises and different challenges.
One of which was the club got invited to go to Ropsley

The idea was to run at a different location but then able to all get together to have a BBQ !!!

The Pub may not be much from the outside but it has a wonderful sitting area inside and a big outside space for when its nice in the summer.

We was told there would be 3 routes we could choose to be in, 5k, 6 miles and 10k i think not sure 100 percent on the route mileage.
Anyway i was over hearing the fun, of what the run leaders were discussing about the routes.
Our run leader, had this big map and was being told go down here, turn left do this and that lol
All i can say is i am not surprise we ended up doing over 5 miles instead of 5k, even i would of been confused where we was going from a map and remembering it off by heart hehe (:
This was the toughest run i had ever faced, in blazing heat about 25 degrees, with no shade, and no wind.
Straights that seemed like a mirage that went on forever, massive uphill parts, all of us was really struggling,
Most of our groups set off at their normal pace thinking it would be ok as we was going to do 5k well at one point if we had not turned out some signs we would of done 10 miles lol.

Trust me when i say that from that picture it may look nice but its such a demanding course.
The countryside itself yes is amazing.
I was glad i went for the experience, and the atmosphere of talking to people.
I was to tired to even think about food with not feeling great either because of the sun, some of the runners can do great in the sun and love in but nope not me anything over 20 and i really struggle.
I managed to get a drink and sit down, while everyone was getting food and it was really tempting as there was burgers, sausages chips and much more.

I would like to go again maybe once i know i can run in the heat and that i have got at least 10k under my belt !!!
Which leads me onto my next challenge the coach to 5k and 10k was invited to do one of the running club sessions starting from the normal location of the meres leisure centre in Grantham.
The task was to run Through the canal and see how far you could reach within 20 minutes and then beat it next month.
This was even more important to me then Ropsley as this was my revenge course.
I had run down the canal 2 times before last year when i had joined the club and struggled.
So I needed to know how much progress i had made since then.
Half way through as with some of the run sessions i got a bit of pain but shock it off and was like even if it hurts i am doing this, and in 20mins i managed to reach 3k.
I was drained when our runner leader which was led by penny for the session said come on your running it back !!!!
I was like your kidding right, nope you can do this Daniel and you know what because she kept me talking most of the way and pushing me to keep going, i some how ran faster on the way back.
which meant not only did i get much further then i did last year, but i ran 7k in total !!!!
entering the last week, penny was not letting it off so easy as we ended up doing another 7k run.
This time Through even more narrows paths, more steep hills, and in very tricky hot weather.
Overall with struggling a little i just managed to keep pushing and complete the run, with some great laughs and adventures along the way !!!

Half way through the run our run leader took some amazing pictures that are now wonderful memories of the adventures of the running.

I think even though i have 2 more pictures to show that i am in, and you would think that the one upcoming would be the one to remember, be more important. i think i love this picture the most because, it was a picture i look ok in lol, but also it was such a wonderful adventure day, Proving that we can all run more then just 5k !!! (:
So the last run of the course was up, and it had already been a hot week, with the last run being around 25 degrees, Taking more off road routes, I really struggled with this run the most, to say a few days before that i ran 7k and i could not even manage 3k, it really surprise you how much the heat can affect your performance.
Although it was another great run, with of course another epic photo of some of the runners (:

Onward to the weekend which saw the running club come Together, at the Tennis club once again for the Graduation of the runners taking part in the coach to 5k, and 10k, a epic BBQ and our very own Grantham Running club Shirts !!!!
I turned up wanting to look smart as i feel important events like that you just need to be hehe,
The tennis club staff were at hand, Inc The Manger Sarah Patton who also completed the coach to 5k, so well done for someone who on multiple times said she Didnt want to go hehe, but she did and achieved, showing shes not only a great tennis player, manager but a runner (:
The tennis club also arranged ratchet and balls for the kids that came along with their parents.
on a day where i am dressed not for tennis, and a day to rest and enjoy myself, i could not tear myselt away from Joining in (:
Playing against some of the run leaders and kids, making sure everyone got a go, but also being a little bit competitive wanting to show how good my tennis was haha (:
After a bit of tennis we all went over to the best Hog Roast in the world, stacks of meat, served to everyone, and it tasted epic, is all i can say.
I did not want to be cheeky and ask for more so i only had one lot.
It was not to long before i left everyone chatting and enjoying the food while yes i went to play more tennis ahh me hey what you going to do (:

here is just a selection of runners enjoying their food (:

After a hour we all got called as it was time for our shirts (:
A speech was said which the only thing missing was a mic so we could all hear it properly.
Names were read out, and everyone getting claps for achieving the course.
A bunch of people could not attend due to different reasons, which other people collected on their behalf to give to them at a later date (:
It was time for the group photo, and the thing about things like that is I wouldn't say hate being in photos but i get really shy, i also do not know how to act.
A few people went to hid in the back of the group so i followed but nope the run leader i look up to was not having none of that (:
I got made to be at the front and to be a part of the photo which in the end i am glad i was as i now have something to look back on, instead of being a group photo with me not in it lol.

Overall In my Opinion you just could not meet a more wonderful and caring community in Grantham.
Its amazing to see how much dedication and hard work, the club has put into, Building a community.
How its evolved over the years, and how little it costs to join a club,
Some may say why would i pay just to run with a group of people !!!???
I can tell you now, it will change your life forever being with the running club, sure you could run by yourself, and with headphones in, but being involved in something much bigger, its just such achievement for 24 pounds a year, you get to run on a weekly basis around Grantham, exploring, being a adventurous and outgoing person.
You get to have discounts on Races to compete in, the club also hosts many events across the year, like BBQ, Bowling and much more.The experience of meeting new people and making friends is its own reward.
I could honestly say that i could not manage what i have done without the club, without the runners in the groups, the run leaders and the fun times.
For 24 pounds a year, you can not find anything in Grantham, for less with such benefits to your health its truly outstanding !!!
I enjoy ever moment that i am now continuing with the club on my next adventure which is making my way to 10k (:
What breaks us only makes us stronger and at times i really struggled with the running, and i will probably struggle even more, but that is the whole part of the journey no matter what sport or physical activities you do, if you are not willing to push yourself to always achieve better in life then you are not trying hard enough.
Its the same with my tennis and gym, at points i wanted to give up, and heck i almost did, but because i had been open with my issues, and started to build a community around me.
They had my back and helped me snap out of worrying so much.
My next Targets for the running is to not only reach 10k but work on my speed with the park runs and aiming by next year to get myself under the 25 min mark !!!!
So i leave you with a collection of bonus pictures and the advice of Weather your worried about your health or even running do not be, ok do not jump into trying to do 5k if you have not run much like i did last year, but if a running club near you does the same and has a course to work on getting in shape, and working your way to running more then what are you waiting for get out that door and have the most epic adventure of your life !!!!!!! hehe
This has been my adventure of the last 12 weeks thank you Grantham running Club, and the local community, and thank you readers for reading this very long post (:
Bonus pics !!!!!!!!!!!

Grantham running club Links
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