On Saturday 6th May 2017 was my first ever park run being held at belton house in Grantham.
I have been running on the coach to 5k With Grantham running club now for 7 weeks.
and noticed a lot of people saying about getting a 3rd run in and that people was going to park run.
This was the next step to see if i was ready to do with 5k with a lot bigger crowd.
I think there was about 300 people overall, a lot different to around 80 of the running club.
i was already entering with a slight pain to my left leg, which still hurts as i am writing this and off to the doctors to see what it is.
It decided to rain a bit on all the days to rain why that day lol !!!
9 o clock hit and we all set off, i set off in pain but pumped, and about 5mins in knew i had set off to quick, as i was getting a few more pains.
i kept looking back to where my group was and could not see them, to be fair there was a lot of people.
halfway round the first lap, i was really struggling, to say that i had almost managed 5k the other weeks in the group.
a few bends before the first lap finished i had to stop for a few seconds, as i was struggling to breath and was gripping my stomach.
as i approached, the end of the first lap, one of the members of the club was cheering us on, and said come on daniel you can do it.
This then gave me a boost of confidence, but it only lasted for a few mins, as the pains came back.
for some reason, running at the same pace, or even slower, was making me give up more, but running full pelt, for even a minute made me hurt more yes but also gave me that lift to keep pushing.
like the first lap but even more i had to stop, and i almost starting crying as i could not handle the pain.
i just kept bolting forward through it, before there was a loop to the finish line.
I gave it everything i had, moving faster then i ever had been going.
i got moving after a few mins, but i was staggering all over the place not been able to even walk in a straight line.

as you can see in the picture above i am in the background holding my jacket, and all i wanted to do was get to the finish and sit down.
everyone was asking if i was ok, but it was like my brain was on auto pilot i could not think of anything, or what i was even doing.
I was told to do some stretches and my body just would not do them.
at this point all i wanted to do was cry but i kept it in, not wanting to draw attention.
i then went with a group of people from the running club to have something to eat, which did make me slightly better, but still did not feel right.
I later got home had something more to eat and tried to rest.
so if it did so much pain why would i want to do the park run again?
well we all have off days where we cant not do something we have been doing so well at for a while.
other then being in pain, i loved the experience, running in the fresh air, being a part of in my mind a competition.
what can i say i like a challenge, i like giving it my all, i like being competitive, even if i over do it and end up making myself ill.
I finished the run, in just under 37 mins, people that had been doing it for a while was getting around 20mins, and i was just like how on earth.
but i think if i did not have my leg pain that i was trying to shift the running to other parts of my leg, and stopping, i would of got around 30mins.
showing that i do have the strength deep inside i just have to find it.
I have come a long way from when i first started to run last year, and i hope to keep going.
I am aiming to enter the parkrun again in 2 weeks time, aiming to complete the coach to 5k, and then see where life takes me.
I have to say though if anyone wants to see the amazing photography of the people running in the park run please do so here.
its how i managed to find pictures i was in (:
so if you ever have fear of entering events like park run, just try to take it your own pace, easier said then done, as the atmosphere just takes over.
Try to just focus on running, not passing people, not thinking off other around you, just keep saying you can do this do not give up and then be proud of whatever the result, because you are the one that decided to get out of bed and try something different to come out of your comfort zone (:
Thank you for reading
you can see what else i get up to in my social links below
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