In this Blog post i am going to be telling you a little bit about the episode i have watched and how cool it really makes you think about life.
What i like about this show the most is although its a different story every episode, they manage to create such creative and gripping stories in just the space of a hour.
every episode throws a lot of twists and sometimes you dont get the full understanding of the plot until the last 5 mins, where your like omg what !!!! (:
I have watched a few shows that does this, and they do not seem to pull it off, so lets have a look why this show is worth watching.
As i just looked to get the name of the episodes, i was shocked to see that i had been watching season 3, which proofs my point that you dont need to have watched them all to get the story with them being different.
so this review will be based on season 3.

The first one in season 3 is called Nose Dive.
I think out all of the episodes so far this one really got to me and is the best.
The story follows the women in the picture where she is in a strange world where, you give everyone a score for almost everything they do.
Much like on some dating sites or reviews, where you give your opinion on a picture, on food, a score out of 5, and then the sites work out what your average is based on your scores.
well in this, your whole life is a score, through your eyes, you can look on someones life, what they have been up to, if they have posted a picture etc.
And the reason it got to me is simple, in a society much like ours but not so bad, where people will only hang out with you, if your famous, you hang out with the cool people etc.
school is one of those where you try to fit in, and the cool kids dont let you, or you have people who were your friends, they grow up, they see you doing alright and want you to hang out with their friends who are all posh, fancy and cool, but then you do something that makes you uncool and all of sudden they dont want to hang out with you because it would look bad, on their image.
and i think its sad but true that sometimes in life to go far you have to know the really up their people, but being that famous is no easy task.
I think for some people its like a job making sure they are always active on social media, looking good, eating mini food, and gourmet stuff just to look posh because if your up there you cant be seen eating like a slob with burgers pizzas etc.
Not all famous people are like this but some are, and i think sorry for them, they dont get to act how they want and be who they really want to be because they have to look good.
one part of the show was just like really, when someone wanted to get a place, they had to be a certain score and because some bad things happend all at once there score went down a lot which meant they could no longer get the place because their overall score did not meet the score needed.
like if we had a score for everything in real life, i would not want to be a part of it at all, its stupid and thats how it puts people into sections of cool, not cool etc.
It also showed that being yourself is nothing wrong, you should not have to feel you need to change who you are just to fit in, if the people who you know in your life can not accept you for who you are then they are not your friends.
I would rather, do the things i enjoyed, even if something looked way cooler, then be judged all the time.
Moving onto the second episode which was called Playtest

This was based on a guy doing odd jobs via a app in order to get paid, he noticed a job testing a new gaming system, much like virtual reality.
This episode i think was the most creative, i loved all the actors who played such great parts in order for this, to really take you by shock.
It was much like Inception in the sense that, you thought it was over back to reality but there is twists and turns so much, your like whats going on !!!
I would hate to play a game where it adapts the challenges to your fears, to your memories, because you would not know what was real or not.
The Third Episode is called shut up and dance.

Showing fears that you should never believe what someone promises to do if you have done something bad, someone knows you have and threatens you to do something or people will know what you have done.
Both of the people in the car did things that they which they had not, and have to obey texts with instructions or they will leak things out.
In the whole plot line is around the kid, and at the end, i was again so shocked, i felt sorry for the kid, what he had to go through, and that compared to other person in the car, he barley did anything wrong but was dealt in the wrong path.
the story, involves, a cake, a gun, glasses, and a epic plot line i which i could say more but then it would spoil it (:
The last episode i am going to talk about is the forth one called San Junipero

This one really messed with your brain right up towards the end,
follows the girl in the picture, a shy, confused person not knowing how to act and what to do in life.
She meets another girl, who they start to get on really well, showing her how to dance, how to come out of her shell.
She told her she cant stay around long, and that they only saw each other once a week.
the women in the picture starts to feel lonely without her friend being around and starts searching for her.
Towards the end, it all makes, sense and again i love the way the plot line was set out,
I love shows where its confusing, keeps your guessing and then only when its time to nearly end does it show you whats going on.
I know that some of the episodes i havent explained very well, but because its that type of show where it keeps you guessing, its better to watch it then say something that might ruin the whole thing for you.
all i have to say is keep watching when you start, do not get caught up in thinking everything is ok, because just like that something can happen, which starts making you question whats going on.
I do and dont wish that i watched it from the beginning, i dont know if the other seasons were great or not, but you tend to find that seasons pick up as they go along.
also if the other seasons are not as good i am glad i started where i am so that i would rather go off the series, on a high, then be watching season 1 for example, it not really interest me and then miss out on the really good ones.
Thank you for reading, let me know what you think, of any other shows that are like this, and if you have not watched black mirror then give it a go (:
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