In this post I am going to be telling you who i look up to in the creative world.
The first video i ever saw of his was years a go, i was into listing to the DubStep scene and noticed this guy pop up in the suggested videos.
The video was called pedals, and it blew my mind how much effort had been put into this video and how cool it was !!!
I watched more of his videos but with time and watching so much content, i kinda forget about this fellow.
So a few days a go not remembering how but i followed him on Instagram and noticed him post this picture

I have to say they were some of the most moving and funny speeches ever !!!
This video was one that moved me the most
He tells his story about how much time he spent not uploading content, because of working so hard and long on projects.
He talks about how the people he looks up to makes so much content good or bad because they just like making stuff.
The video is around 10 minutes long and full of really cool details about his life and about how to work to publish.
This guy motivates me because he has a lot of great information about life to keep trying and pushing yourself, when ever i watched his videos i would feel creative and want to make music (:
I do hope he keeps it up, as he is a very talented guy, who has that driven spark and knows how to dabble with different sectors of the industry (:
staying on the subject of The music Industry is another Talented chap who goes by the name of Andrew Huang
I can not remember at all how i fount this guy all i know is that the first video i ever watched was him making music by taking clips of sounds from Youtube Videos, editing them, putting effects on etc to make a track.
one his well known videos is Pink fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows
This went viral but its not the main reasons why i feel in love with his content.
After watching a few of his rap videos i came across his pure magic and talent.
These were videos where he would make music from objects, like taps, tyres, holding a electro magnet devices and adjusting the sounds from that to make different cool sounds used to make a track.
Here is my Favorite example of him on a trip and showcasing his pure magic skills
He has worked with different companies and he has brought some amazing Technology that blow my mind.
After watching his videos again i feel the need to be creative to try different things with my music, which often works and i feel i have been able to spend my time creating something magically because of the raw passion and dedication he puts into his work (: its so cool to follow his life, and learn about different music techniques and how you can make music from anything !!
Moving onto fitness and sports people i look up to.
Over the past 6 months I have been Joining sessions at Grantham Tennis Club i have done a blog post about them so go check out my other cool blogs (:
There are a lot of wonderful staff there, but the one person that i look up to is Lewis which you can see a picture of him here he is the one on the left with the green ish top (:

He just recently passed his qualification and he well deserves it !!!
He helps the group of people every Wednesday which i am a part of the group.
His skills when playing is amazing, to the point if i am faced off with him in a game i try my all.
I keep trying to keep up with the different styles of play he uses and see if i can do the same.
When i first some him in action i was like how on earth do you do those shots, through attending the session, learning and giving my all, i have slowly started to increase my level so that when i play against him i am much better.
The staff at the club is what puts a smile on my face and it feels like home, in fact i often have a hour before and a few hours after the session because i love playing tennis so much (:

Before the end of 2016 I started watching tennis which in the past i never liked watching.
I quickly got so addicted to watching that when Andy Murray was playing raonic i was screaming at the computer, i was so hooked because it was the most intense game ever.

Murray was winning but then raonic serves just stunned me so much, his overall playing was amazing to, for weeks after i watched this i decided i wanted to learn his serve.
To start with i could not get the power needed at all, but with practice at using his serve i managed to get the speed and power needed and have now created my own serve.
Both players are amazing and in the past i heard of andy and would always support him, whenever tennis was on in the background i would look when he was only playing.
Now i love watching all players play, to see all the different ways of how they play serves, forehands backhands etc.
Its cool to see so many different ways to play so many different kind of shots.
Tennis has become the place i am most happy and quickly become the sport i can be good at and love.
Moving onto working out at the gym.
Back in 2016 i wanted to get stronger and got myself to a local gym, i hardly spoke to people and did not push myself.
I looked around on local facebook groupd asking if anyone went to Feel Good Fitness In Grantham and if so could they help me and become a gym buddy.
After a few months of asking I fount now 1 but 2 amazing people that i look up to

They push me to reach a level i never knew existed in me. they keep saying its all me its my will power but the fact is through pushing each other, having a good time and making it fun rather then a serious workout, it makes me want to do better and better, when your having a laugh you are not thinking about the pain as much.
If anyone says to you oh you whimp because you look tired and your body aches then you have never done a proper workout like we do.
If you come away feeling fine, not hurting etc then you are not doing it right.
The only way to get stronger is like the saying goes no pain no game.
I fount this out a few weeks back when using parts of my body i had never really used before.
i came away with my whole body hurting so much that everytime i moved it hurt, my friends told me i had teared a muscle and that is what supposed to of happened.
That is what happens when you workout you tear muscles and it repaires it so its stronger then it was before.
Dont ask me to explain the history or science etc behind it because i do not know how our bodies to it they just do !!!
I look up to my friends because it is was not for them i would not be able to do the things i can do in my life now.
again i see them do well and i say to myself i must get to that level so everytime i go i push harder and harder, everytime it gets tougher, it hurts, but after a good rest i feel the need to go again, its a addicting feeling gym is (:
Now moving back to the internet is the people i watch the most who again give me motivation in different ways and make me happy when i am feeling low.
We will start with the one the only, Like a Boss jacksepticeye

I think i have been watching his videos for 3 years now, it all started when me and my ex got into watching different Vloggers which then lead into watching different kind of content.
One of the best series of content Jack puts out is and now Youtube Comments with Jacksepticeye.
I started re watching this series as i am waiting for number 100 to out, yes he has made that many.
The idea of the video is he looks on social media inc YouTube for comments made, bad and good and reads them out.
That may seem boring but because he puts his voice, comedy and spin to things that is why its fun to watch.
As he made more episodes you can see he becomes better at it, feels more himself and confident.
Over the course of the series he has changed location and backdrops.
he has made over 1.000 videos of gaming, vlogs, and awesome content.
over that time he was got so many gifts from the fans inc the big plush sam you can see in the picture.
If you dont know who sam is then you need to watch his content !!!
this guy talks from the heart about a lot of things, which makes me happy and again picks up my day to be creative whether that be making music, photography videos, writing etc.
that nicely moves me onto wiishu who is jacks girlfriend
I came across her channel after it being down the suggested videos and from jack mentioning her in his videos.
I soon grew to like her content as she was like jack, down to earth, funny, and delivered good content.
Even though she is only just starting her Youtube Career she is becoming great at what she does.
Again this person gives me the strength to get on with the day some may say its silly that i feel different after watching just YouTube videos but its the powerful things that these people say and produce that really make you feel happy.
I hope she keeps putting content out, i hope it keeps getting better and better and i hope those 2 have a wonderful life together (:
speaking of making me feel better and this person with his awesome friends have stunned me with the latest content that is being made .
The one the only markiplier !!!

After watching loads of other Youtubers i came across this guy full of spirit.
soon after watching his content i found out a lot of the people i watched all knew each other and had all done content together as well.
Mark is one of the people who again speaks from the heart, he shows a lot of feelings when making videos, he has had a hard life but because he puts so much into his videos, you can see his efforts and how much he cares about his community.
One of the videos i recently watched must of took so long to make and was one of the creative and well put together video i have watched.
Its called a date with markiplier, and its clever as its not just one video but 10 !!!
meaning you can see different versions based on the outcome you have chosen much like a video game.
i loved the horror choice and reminded me of the bad jack video towards the end which the pumpkin.
All these YouTube channels all these creative people, make my life just that little bit easier.
If i ever feel that i can not be creative on a day or i feel low, these people lift me back up and make me stronger then ever.
I will end this blog with the fact that i could write so much more and feature so many more people.
If you like this blog and would like a part 2 !!! please let me know in the comments or social media
thank you for reading
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