For me I knew that was making videos, even way back 4 years a go.
The Problem with making videos is its a very tedious Process.
If i just focused on making videos then maybe I would be ok but the problem with me is i am a explorer, i like doing a lot of different things.
As we all know you need time to do these things.
After the last year I struggle more & more to get what i want from my brain out into a video.
simply making a 10 Minute video talking about what i did in my week can often lead into 2 hours of being frustrated, retaking footage and sometimes doing the whole video again.
I do miss Making videos, i love talking about whats on my mind, but sadly If it makes me feel worse by doing it then I will not make a video for the sake of it.
Its odd the reason why i wanted to start Blogging really ??
I wanted to post business tips then posts about photography etc.
I understand that people might not read my posts as videos are the new thing and are the most engaging.
I love writing,Even though my spelling and grammar, well enough said if you have not seen already (:
In fact i say I think i just like venting myself in a way lol, I dont mean in a angry way or complaining either.
I just enjoy telling people about my day, my experiences, the shows i love to watch and that sort of thing.
I still get the motivation the most when watching YouTube Videos, More so when it comes to the sit down Talking videos.
I often watch markiplier His comedy and laughing cheers me up (:

then there is jacksepticeye he speaks from the heart, he is just so down to earth and has so much to say that it makes me look at my life and go right, I must do something that will make me feel happy.
I feel that because i can no longer do the videos i had in mind that i need to try and turn them into blog posts instead.
Its odd because even though i love writing when it comes to keeping up with writing a story, i just can not.
About a year a go i said to myself right no more creating different stories and ditching them, i want to keep at it.
I started Writing a Story that i spent a lot of time on and did want to make it into a book.
The concept was about Supernatural Beings with powers.
I enjoyed writing every second of it, until i wrote about 15 pages and just never got back into it.
I even went to a local Book Club to read what i had made as i honestly was excited to hear what people thought.
One day i will continue that story and it shall be amazing !!!
If anyone would like to know more about the book that will be written one day then please let me know (:
I have already got the next 4 blog posts in mind !!!
- Progress of training at the gym
- How Supermarkets are getting lazy with bargains & offers
- Who Inspires me to be creative
&My Favorite Anime Shows & Movies
I aim to write 2 Blog Posts a week, Ranging in Different Topics !!!
If you want to follow me on social media you can do from the following links (:
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