I have always been very, shall we say a person with a lot of thoughts.
I also have a lot of passion once i have watched a movie that i want to use what i feel and watched to express that into writing.In this topic i am going to be talking about the things that we crave, buy and Build for no reason.

when you live your day to day do you think how much crap you put in your body or the amount of money you could have saved ?After watching the Film Castaway it made me feel how much us humans crave different food, eating food when we are not hungry but just craving it.
I live in a small town called Grantham, but i was born and brought up in Nottingham until i was 19.
Nottingham like many cities has been populated with more and more food places opening up
I have used a stock photos as these were the best pictures to help explain what i am saying.
Nottingham has grown and expanded over the years, some people call it the city to eat, as from the city centre to just the library there are over 30 different places to eat most of which are Buffets which is a huge amount of selection of food to eat.
Grantham where i live now does not even have that amount of choice.
I hear and see so much about how Humans will get more overweight as each year passes, and its all true
we are our own worse problem we always want more.
The trouble with us is we get used to have such nice food that when money its tough and we have to settle with cheap supermarket food it tastes vigil to us.
I myself have had the same issues.
often we can cook wonderful meals that will taste just the same as having a meal out and sometimes can be cheaper and nicer.
But the thought of having so much choice at a buffet or having food cooked for via a takeaway is just to much for us that we get lazy and get used to the lifestyle.
So lets look at bargains for example, Your not hungry but your shopping for the next few days or weeks. It happens to be a Sunday or a evening where the shop your shopping at has lots of reduced items.
This can be meats to chocolate, snacks etc.
For me i have a very bad sweet tooth and always crave either a milkshake, cookies or chocolate.
I see cookies from 1 pound 50 down to 30p what a bargain !!! I must have them.
so i get home and instead of saving them for another day i end up eating them.
I was not even hungry but the thought of the mouth watering cookies were just to much.
You !!! yes you dont sit there and tell me you have not brought something on offer and ate it the same day (:
If you sit and think about all the wrong choices we make even if its 30p here 10p there it all adds up and be time you know it the treats you didnt really need would of saved up for a proper meal, to go on a day trip, buy something you need instead of want
Then to waste even more money is the places like Buffets, !!!
and before i carry on yes i love Buffet food (:
So instead of us being normal and having say, some meat, veg and making a meal we decide to hell with that i want to try a bit of this and that.
Depending where you go, prices of buffets can be from 8 pound per person all the way up to 15 pounds.
Now you stop and think, i could have gone to the shop brought lets say some beef, chicken etc knocked down in price, and other little bits to make a meal which lets say the whole thing costs around 4 pounds.
You would be full and happy, or you can spend a lot more eating different food, stuffing your face more then you need to and still class as one meal for the day.
on a average if you went to a buffet once a week, or had a takeaway instead of buying in food to eat you would be saving around 5 pounds a week.
again may not seem a lot but within a month you have enough to travel somewhere for a nice day out etc.
For me i have lost count how much money i have wasted buying, takeaway, snacks, drinks that i do not need but just want.
The problem is food is not the only thing we humans crave.
Drinks from wine, alcohol and even soft drinks like coke, etc are still things we buy for no reason.
For myself i can not go a week without buying a drink that i know it bad for me, that is wasting my money but the taste is what i crave.
It is bad then when you go to drink water that is a lot cheaper and better for you its tasteless.
again all the little things that we choose to have costs money.
The point i am trying to make it, we keep finding new ways to create different food different drinks that we no longer appreciated it.
If the whole world went into Chaos and we had to hunt for food, and eat things we didnt like just to survive we would, no matter if it tasted horrible.
so why can we not choose to do it now.
its like with most things you take away something you loved and to start with yeah you miss it but then you forget it and learn to cope with what you got.
I was in a bad spot for money at the start of 2016 where i would buy very very cheap meals from the supermarket that in my opinion tasted awful and sometimes make me want to be sick.
a week of having the meals i got used to them sure it was not the best food ever but it no longer tasted that bad.
That was until i was in a better money flow brought a mixture of cheap food and more expensive food.
when it came to eating the cheaper food it tasted horrible again and refused to go down that route again even if that meant cutting my meals into portions.
It just shows how we humans are so spoilt that we have a choice to save money but we refused to.
I fear food takes over us to much, for most we could choose to have the same meal just slightly different everyday, but we want a variety so we choose to spend more money and increasing are taste buds to more and better food.
some of you may say but you need a treat every now and then and i agree even though for me its hard to turn a having a treat once a week to wanting it everyday.
Its like a drug you get hooked onto, or smoking for example.
the longer you go without the thing you want the more you want it so bad.
My fear and disappointment is when i do set out to travel to somewhere new its to explore and visit different shops.
Nottingham used to be a great place for shopping, now is has more places to eat then anything.
I mean do really need a choice of over 30 different kind of food places just within a 10 minute walk ?
So my advice is this, if your bored one day and you know you have food in do not go out to food shops, trust me you will find yourself spending more money then you need to.
Buy different meals at a suitable price make sure you always have a few days worth it so that if you have nothing in your not tempted to go out for a meal or order a takeaway.
If you have food in be bothered to cook it because that could be the difference between saving for a holiday, a tv etc.
If your not hungry push the thought of wanting a snack think to yourself that snack can be for when i am that way i am not wasting money buying thing i do not need.
same with drinks train your brain to drink water.
Easier said then done as i dont even follow what i am saying lol.
we as a human race must learn to train our brains, just think of what we could achieve if the juicy taste of food and drink was not a issue.
I know a lot of people may comment saying you can say all this about a lot of things, which is true but its learning how to still enjoy things at a moderate rate.
If you know you have the same thing for 3 pounds instead of going out somewhere and paying over the odds to have it luxury style then sorry but plain version will have to do (:
Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed this post, i know i might have sounded like a boring old fart even though i am 25 (: but I think way to much about a lot of things, I just like people to think about their actions. sometimes we do not know things unless someone else points us in the right direction !!!
If you want to know more of what i get up to you can do by checking out my social media (:https://www.facebook.com/dmpphotographyuk/
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