Tuesday 18 April 2017

Why The Name Marshall ? Being open and always will | DanielMarshallAdventures

So a matter has my attention since the past week that slowly being unfolding that i felt i needed to address and explain things.
I have been open about things for the last 6 months because i was disgusted of who i was and have fought everyday to get the help to change my life, but also being stronger, not a push over, become wiser, learning to keep records of things that go off, and to help the community that has helped me become the better person who i am today.

In 2016 I had a very bad start due to my own stupid actions in life.
I was Born With Marshall But had it changed via my family, a few years i think.
I never liked the Name Changed and always loved Marshall.

So in 2016 I decided to have a fresh start where I could use the name i really liked and change who i was to grow up and learn about life. with events going off which i would mention but i have to be very careful what i mention as at the moment and have been for some time am currently being Targeted.

I was with someone for 5 years, I already suffered with depression and after the break up things only got worse to the point, i tried to end my life, very silly and stupid move.

I was never with anyone for that length of period and was for the first time on my own, with family that i did not want to talk, to no friends etc.

Again this was mostly my fault which although the depression did not help it was my own actions that led me down the path what was unfolding.

I was a wreck, i was a idiot, a pathetic person who thought that saying sorry over and over would make me get back with this person.
I ignored all advice from support, workers, house mates etc to the point i ended up in court over harassment, got a fine and 12 month ban from contacing this person, being near her work and so on.

I have spoke about this to many people and everytime have said that everything happends for a reason and that in my stupid brain needed that fright in my life of maybe going to jail to finally snap me out of things.

I knew that my name was now known for what i did, which in a way that is how it should be, but in another i which i could of controlled how i felt.
This is why i got myself in touch with the mental health services something i should of done a very long time ago, and as you can see from my blog posts it has been a very long and hard fight getting the help i need.

So 2 months after the court, i looked at myself and said its about time i took life seriously, i can not keep thinking about the past and need to look forward, i got my head down, learning about a lot of things, i started going gym, playing tennis, going for runs, to help get out of the house, help with getting things of my mind, and to get back to the fitness level i wanted.

I also started covering events and helping out the community because Grantham is a amazing place to live, and so are the businesses and the people who live here.

Yes my past may have ruined my life, but everyday i pour everything into, becoming a different person, even coming out of my comfort zone to proof to myself i can do this.

Which now leads to the point of this blog post.
someone has decided on the last 3 posts to comment your name is not Marshall and that you are being monitored etc.
I thought nothing at first, but as life has taught me to be strong, its also taught me that because of my actions, i knew that if i tried to turn my life around stuff like this would happen.
Because someone does not want me to become that better person.
so any phone calls, messages, emails, comments etc i keep a copy off.
People think that a phone call, or a comment can not be monitored back.
We live in such a technology world that nothing we say is secure and can be traced.
so when this same person thinks they are being so smart to call somewhere i go to, tell them my name is not Marshall and an investigation is going off, just makes me laugh.
So lets see why that makes me laugh well, one  i only use Marshall online, and nothing official.
Which i have studied this myself you can anyname you want in life, as long as you arent cheating things like bills, work etc.
Youtubers, bloggers, radio, tv, people use stage names, not there real first names or even surnames due to certain situations, does not mean in any way its breaking the law.
so whoever it is really did not do their research, secondly, this person would not give their name out, on the phone call, and when asked, put the phone down, this says to me this is what you would call a scare tatic, someone who has nothing better to do in there life then trying their best to bring someone down, thinking that person would be scared etc.
If there was a investigation the person would either be the police, they would state who they was and when asked would not put the phone down,
also i would be questioned first before people who knew me.
Because i am open, most people know who i am and my experiences, i have built my own connections and just like with today many people also have my back.

So yes my name officially is not marshall which i would like to at some point when i have the money change on my birth document, but it really does not matter what i call myself (:

I am proud that i turned my life, i am proud that i like to help businesses grow, i am proud that i have made myself friends, true friends, i am proud of where i live, i am proud i am come from where i was, and talk about it which a lot of people can not.
I aim to keep making my life better and better and sharing the world what i am all about.
This silly little game by the person who thinks they can push me back into feeling crap, just really was a poor effort.

If the person decides to comment i will be keeping the prove as the police already know about this.

I just cant get in life why there is so much hate, why people who turn there lives around who arent full of themself and tell people what they did, get this as a result.

In a sad way the person who has taragted me must not really have a great life or what they think is a good life, if they have so much time, to do what they are doing, I just laugh it off and get on with my day !!!!!

If you did something in life, which we all do at some point and you turn it around and owned up for what you did, then hats off to you.
you are the bigger person and the people that choose to bring up the past, and to try and haunt you really are just jealous of the new person you are (:

Thank you for reading my moaning blog post lol but this just needed to be said, i will never stop helping people and i will never stop growing, and becoming the person i want
that is not a crime !!!!!!


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