On Saturday 15th July 2017 was one of my best days both physically and mentally.
Earlier in the week i Had noticed a post by one of my friends on Facebook, asking support Sharon said i want to help in some small way to support the great work that Charities like Breast Cancer care do in supporting women and their families through Breast Cancer.
If you want to find out how you can help then i will leave the link at the end of this post (:
I could not afford to pitch in but instead wanted to run and support Sharon, for a good cause.
Sharon has mentioned the run was a park run at Rutland Water, a place i always wanted to go and capture photography.
I had done 6 Park run at Belton house but i had never been to Rutland water so i was really looking forward to it.
The place is about 25-30 minutes drive from Grantham, and I only knew a few days after that it was not Lincolnshire but in the boundary of Leicester.
Its amazing how 25-30 a different way can lead to a location still in Lincolnshire, but another be somewhere else.
Even to Nottingham it takes 45 plus to get there so this really shocked me.
I had to wake up at 6.45am as i always need a hour to try and wake myself up before doing anything.
Of course I was going to bring my camera with me as it might have only been a once in a lifetime thing.

As we got there i was stunned to see how big the place was someone said to run all around the place would be around 27 miles !!!!!
Stunning views of water that seem to go as far as the eye could see, beautiful Scenery and Buildings were in sight.

as we hanged around for a few friends from The running club, and a few of Sharon's friends, i became a explorer, and started quickly getting snaps of things that was around.

as we started to head down i noticed this amazing Restaurant with a stunning view in the background and i love how its turned out, I had no time to really take any of my shots, camera was just set on the best setting and quickly took as many shots as i could.

The start of the park run was a over 5 minutes walk, thinking it was near i kept taking my camera out as you could see for miles and even if i only managed to get a few shots of the day, its better then getting none.
It was time to focus on The park run, with hardly any warm up because of using the camera i tried my best to get my muscles relaxed.
My friend said to one of her friends would it be ok to pace me.
Meaning someone to run with who is around your level, to control how fast your going, as in a pack of 200 people you can get really lost how fast your running, thinking your at the right pace when you arent.

I didnt set myself up to get a Personal best, knowing that i was tired, i had not done any runs in a week, even though i had been playing tennis load and doing cardio i did lack run form.
As long as i finished the run with it being my first time at this location then i would be happy.
After around 10mins, i was feeling great at a good pace, as we approached i believe was some kind of bridge across the water.
the course was 2.5k there you turn around at a pole and do the same distance back, so while on the bridge you could see the really fast runners who get a time off just over 16mins running back.
This did not bother me because i felt so relaxed, calm and honestly it was like a out of body experience.
I had the soft gentle wind from the sea coming across my face, even though it was 17 degrees, it was not hot or cold, it was perfection.
One thing i hate is running in anything over 20 degrees.
My run performance fluctuates overall anyway but in the heat i barley manage to do 3k, i get massive pains and feel like passing out, and although i struggle in the same heat while playing tennis somehow i can manage 4 hours in that heat its madness lol.
All i could think about while going across the bridge was just wow i so wish i had my camera on me right now !!!
as the second half of the course came into play i started to up my pace, still matching my pacer.
A marker came up which was 4k, only 1k left, the chap said to me you can stick with me or go ahead if you want, well this is me your talking about, of course i went for it.
Pain started to hit my chest, and my legs, i could hardly breathe and yet i felt like the flash, i was only getting faster and faster.
after only 500 meters i was like where is the bloody finish, i was about to give up, but something inside of me just wanted to keep pushing it.
Every part of me now hurt so much, and yet the will to do good kept me going, and to me my shock, i not only finished the run, not only beat my pacer, but was only 6 seconds !!!! off my personal best at Belton park run a location i had already done 6 runs at.
Not bad to say i had no idea what the course was like how to pace myself, and my first time being at that location,
So why did i manage to do i would say even better then my normal place of running ???
At belton its a 2 lap race, so when your seeing the course in front of you from the start, your brain plays tricks, seeing the course in front of you, and thinking i need to be this pace on lap 1 for me i struggle with.
Belton has nearly double the amount of people running nearly 400, so again when your all starting and you think your at a ok pace you get lost wanting to play catch up when in fact your burning yourself up on lap 1 and having nothing left on lap 2.
At belton, it has a lot of very uneven bumps, slopes, gravel grass mud etc, which can make your feet very heavy.
where at Rutland Water because its mostly ran on a path, not hurting your feet, you have the wonderful views to take your mind off things, and to me its the best location i have seen so far for a run.
Talks are being made at the moment about doing a Peterborough park run in a few weeks time, which i hope can go ahead, another chance to test another course out and bring my camera with me (:
Everyone who ran at Rutland who came to support Sharon all got PB's inc Sharon, we was all very happy and took some group photos (:
I got Sharon to take one of me, which i love so much, and i managed to take a bit more time capturing some more photography before heading home.

I was in a super happy mood, but also very tired I said on the way back home, i wont be going to play tennis today, no way, i got back, and got a bite to eat, excited to edit the photos.
I am not sure if it was my positive mood or the fact that i had eaten or both, but around 12 o,clock i said to myself right i will go play tennis.
Social started at 2pm, and i wanted to get a bit of warm up practice in before hand, so i made sure to get there with about 45mins to spare.
I honestly felt like i was on a sugar rush even though i wasnt as i had boundless energy.
A little to much as i was making silly mistakes rushing into some of the shots due to being so happy lol.
I managed to control it a little as i went into the matches.
I have explained this before but for anyone who has not read my other blogs ill explain it a little.
At Grantham Tennis club you have social events, most times in the week.
The idea is the events are 2 hours long, you all right your name down on a sheet of paper, and tick the slots you want to play, so if you only want to play for a hour you tick 2 boxes out of 4 etc.
You play 4 half a hour matches, with different people, mostly doubles and some single matches.
A great chance to banter with people, play with people at different skill levels and learn from them while playing tennis.
I was playing so good, trying shots i have never done before again all because i was just so happy, which made me more happy when some epic moments happened in those games.
the last 10mins of the last match, my body just gave up, and had to end the match early i was still happy but i had clearly pushed my body to the edge and it had enough (:
So i had one of the most happiest days in my life full of adventure and fun !!!!
I could honestly say that i could spend all day at Rutland Water just walking around the massive 27 mile place, exploring and taking photos, i just wish you could access it better by public transport but i will one day go there again, even if its for another park run (:
I was going to add extra things to this blog about the amazing fun days i have had over the last few days but i think this is enough for one post !!!
If you are a park runner, please let me know your location you like the most (:
if you want to help raise funds for Breast cancer then please check this link below
if you want to follow me on social media to see more photography, what i get up to in life, and follow my adventures then please do with the links below (: and thank you for reading
My links
If you want to find out how you can help then i will leave the link at the end of this post (:
I could not afford to pitch in but instead wanted to run and support Sharon, for a good cause.
Sharon has mentioned the run was a park run at Rutland Water, a place i always wanted to go and capture photography.
I had done 6 Park run at Belton house but i had never been to Rutland water so i was really looking forward to it.
The place is about 25-30 minutes drive from Grantham, and I only knew a few days after that it was not Lincolnshire but in the boundary of Leicester.
Its amazing how 25-30 a different way can lead to a location still in Lincolnshire, but another be somewhere else.
Even to Nottingham it takes 45 plus to get there so this really shocked me.
I had to wake up at 6.45am as i always need a hour to try and wake myself up before doing anything.

As we got there i was stunned to see how big the place was someone said to run all around the place would be around 27 miles !!!!!

The start of the park run was a over 5 minutes walk, thinking it was near i kept taking my camera out as you could see for miles and even if i only managed to get a few shots of the day, its better then getting none.
It was time to focus on The park run, with hardly any warm up because of using the camera i tried my best to get my muscles relaxed.
My friend said to one of her friends would it be ok to pace me.
Meaning someone to run with who is around your level, to control how fast your going, as in a pack of 200 people you can get really lost how fast your running, thinking your at the right pace when you arent.

I didnt set myself up to get a Personal best, knowing that i was tired, i had not done any runs in a week, even though i had been playing tennis load and doing cardio i did lack run form.
As long as i finished the run with it being my first time at this location then i would be happy.
After around 10mins, i was feeling great at a good pace, as we approached i believe was some kind of bridge across the water.
the course was 2.5k there you turn around at a pole and do the same distance back, so while on the bridge you could see the really fast runners who get a time off just over 16mins running back.
This did not bother me because i felt so relaxed, calm and honestly it was like a out of body experience.
I had the soft gentle wind from the sea coming across my face, even though it was 17 degrees, it was not hot or cold, it was perfection.
One thing i hate is running in anything over 20 degrees.
My run performance fluctuates overall anyway but in the heat i barley manage to do 3k, i get massive pains and feel like passing out, and although i struggle in the same heat while playing tennis somehow i can manage 4 hours in that heat its madness lol.
All i could think about while going across the bridge was just wow i so wish i had my camera on me right now !!!
as the second half of the course came into play i started to up my pace, still matching my pacer.
A marker came up which was 4k, only 1k left, the chap said to me you can stick with me or go ahead if you want, well this is me your talking about, of course i went for it.
Pain started to hit my chest, and my legs, i could hardly breathe and yet i felt like the flash, i was only getting faster and faster.
after only 500 meters i was like where is the bloody finish, i was about to give up, but something inside of me just wanted to keep pushing it.
Every part of me now hurt so much, and yet the will to do good kept me going, and to me my shock, i not only finished the run, not only beat my pacer, but was only 6 seconds !!!! off my personal best at Belton park run a location i had already done 6 runs at.
Not bad to say i had no idea what the course was like how to pace myself, and my first time being at that location,
So why did i manage to do i would say even better then my normal place of running ???
At belton its a 2 lap race, so when your seeing the course in front of you from the start, your brain plays tricks, seeing the course in front of you, and thinking i need to be this pace on lap 1 for me i struggle with.
Belton has nearly double the amount of people running nearly 400, so again when your all starting and you think your at a ok pace you get lost wanting to play catch up when in fact your burning yourself up on lap 1 and having nothing left on lap 2.
At belton, it has a lot of very uneven bumps, slopes, gravel grass mud etc, which can make your feet very heavy.
where at Rutland Water because its mostly ran on a path, not hurting your feet, you have the wonderful views to take your mind off things, and to me its the best location i have seen so far for a run.
Talks are being made at the moment about doing a Peterborough park run in a few weeks time, which i hope can go ahead, another chance to test another course out and bring my camera with me (:
Everyone who ran at Rutland who came to support Sharon all got PB's inc Sharon, we was all very happy and took some group photos (:
I got Sharon to take one of me, which i love so much, and i managed to take a bit more time capturing some more photography before heading home.

I was in a super happy mood, but also very tired I said on the way back home, i wont be going to play tennis today, no way, i got back, and got a bite to eat, excited to edit the photos.
I am not sure if it was my positive mood or the fact that i had eaten or both, but around 12 o,clock i said to myself right i will go play tennis.
Social started at 2pm, and i wanted to get a bit of warm up practice in before hand, so i made sure to get there with about 45mins to spare.
I honestly felt like i was on a sugar rush even though i wasnt as i had boundless energy.
A little to much as i was making silly mistakes rushing into some of the shots due to being so happy lol.
I managed to control it a little as i went into the matches.
I have explained this before but for anyone who has not read my other blogs ill explain it a little.
At Grantham Tennis club you have social events, most times in the week.
The idea is the events are 2 hours long, you all right your name down on a sheet of paper, and tick the slots you want to play, so if you only want to play for a hour you tick 2 boxes out of 4 etc.
You play 4 half a hour matches, with different people, mostly doubles and some single matches.
A great chance to banter with people, play with people at different skill levels and learn from them while playing tennis.
I was playing so good, trying shots i have never done before again all because i was just so happy, which made me more happy when some epic moments happened in those games.
the last 10mins of the last match, my body just gave up, and had to end the match early i was still happy but i had clearly pushed my body to the edge and it had enough (:
So i had one of the most happiest days in my life full of adventure and fun !!!!
I could honestly say that i could spend all day at Rutland Water just walking around the massive 27 mile place, exploring and taking photos, i just wish you could access it better by public transport but i will one day go there again, even if its for another park run (:
I was going to add extra things to this blog about the amazing fun days i have had over the last few days but i think this is enough for one post !!!
If you are a park runner, please let me know your location you like the most (:
if you want to help raise funds for Breast cancer then please check this link below
if you want to follow me on social media to see more photography, what i get up to in life, and follow my adventures then please do with the links below (: and thank you for reading
My links
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